1. Fire
2. Lightning
3. Smoke
4. Explosion (Including damage of the exploding object)
5. Forest fire
6. Crash of Aircraft
7. Vehicle impact
8. Architects/ engineers’ fees – Costs of issuing permits
9. Debris collection
10. Terrorist acts
11. Riots, Strikes, Civil Unrest and Malicious Actions
12. Damage during firefighting
13. Damage reduction costs
14. Alternative energy sources from covered risk (solar water heaters, heat pumps and individual natural gas installations)
15. New for old compensation in residential buildings up to 50 years old and household equipment up to 15 years old)
16. Proportion of Common Property (common areas)
17. Underinsurance protection
18. Flood, Storm, snow, hail
19. Burst pipes
20. Water pumping costs
21. Coverage of exploratory works and piping damages for buildings up to 30 years old
22. Fall of trees – pillars from an accidental cause
23. Civil liability for covered risk. Including tenant to landlord or landlord to tenant
24. General Civil Liability
25. Relocation costs for owner-occupied or rented property
26. Coverage of content outside the home (in temporary accommodation in case of relocation)
27. Personal accident at the residence of the Policyholder, his/her spouse and minor children
28. Breakage of windows, glass panes and mirrors
29. Contents of a bank deposit box of € 10,000 from fire, theft, burglary, robbery, explosion and earthquake (if earthquake is covered)
30. Short circuit without fire
31. Theft of household appliances by burglary or robbery
32. Jewelry theft up to 500 €
33. Theft of jewelry (burglary or robbery) in a packed or built-in safe, from robbery or burglary of the safe
34. Damages caused during theft
37. Loss of rent
38. Replacement of non-damaged materials
39. Earthquake (with 2% exemption on the insured capital) O.C. O.C. O.C.
45. Legal Protection (3.000 €) O.C. O.C. O.C.
√ This coverage is included in the program.
O.C. Optional Coverage.
  For more information click here.